Next.js 核心
Next.js 基础
Next.js 基础,完。
🤠 Redux Toolkit is our official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development. It is intended to be the standard way to write Redux logic, and we strongly recommend that you use it.
🐞 node-sass 是一个 Node.js 模块,可以将 Sass 编译成 CSS,它是对 LibSass 库的封装(LibSass 是一个用 C++ 编写的 Sass 编译器)。
🦄 While most “todo” demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework’s capabilities, they typically don’t convey the knowledge & perspective required to actually build real applications with it. That’s why we, with the help of open source experts, design and serve as exemplary real world applications for each framework.
🐳 Whistle is a tool for building and deploying web applications. It is a command line tool that allows you to build and deploy your web application to a server. It is written in Go and is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
🥷 Node 和 Nginx 都可以作为服务器,Node 常用于上层的业务逻辑处理,而 Nginx 常用于底层的服务器资源处理,例如静态资源处理、正向代理(proxy_pass)、负载均衡(upstream)等。这儿记录一些 Nginx 的基础操作,涉及安装、常见配置、多域名/多站点、单域名/多站点、前端项目基本部署等。
静态资源通常指的是不经过服务器端处理,直接由服务器发送给客户端的文件,如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 文件以及图片等。
Git service

🎉 从头到尾部署 Git 平台,涉及 Linux 基本操作(下载与解压文件、安装软件、创建用户等)、ECS 购买、Xshell、Git 服务安装和后台启动、Nginx 站点配置或正向代理、域名解析、SSL 和 Gzip 等。